Applications Of Bioplasm NLS Of Lungs And Pleura

The study is not related to radiation exposure, it does not require expenses for additional equipment if a standard set of Bioplasm NLS diagnostic devices is available. That is why at the present moment it finds more extensive application in diagnostics o

Assessing changes in various skin diseases using the Biophilia Tracker

Thanks to modern NLS technology with Biophilia Tracker, changes in various skin diseases can be assessed more accurately; it not only improves diagnosis and starts treatment at the right time, but also ensures control of treatment efficiency.

Avez-vous retardé le diagnostic et le traitement en raison de désagréments ?

Sauvez votre corps de ces douleurs plus tôt avec un meilleur outil Metatron Hunter 4025.

Avez-vous retardé le diagnostic et le traitement en raison de désagréments ?

Sauvez votre corps de ces douleurs plus tôt avec un meilleur outil Metatron Hunter 4025.

Bei der Tiergesundheit geht es um Menschen

Tatsächlich können diese Probleme mit einem regelmäßigen BIOPHILIA GUARDIAN schnell gelöst werden.Häufige körperliche Untersuchung von Kätzchen und Welpen kann Katzen und Hunde gesund und vitaler halten. Viele Tierkliniken sind mit BIOPHILIA GUARDIAN ausgestattet, das schnell Anzeichen für seine Gesundheit und Ihre Gesundheit erkennen kann.

Benefits of Biophilia Intruder for Vascular Pathology Diagnosis

In addition, the Biophilia Intruder method can diagnose portal hypertension, the degree of portal hypertension and the permeability of the portal shunt. NLS is very sensitive in determining the extent of peripancreatic vascular involvement in pancreatic cancer, which is critical for the selection of surgical treatment strategies. NLS can identify affected renal vessels (venous and arterial), which is important for the correct selection of antihypertensive drugs in the setting of arterial hypertension.

Showing 25 to 30 of 566 (95 Pages)